Federal Bank announced the launch of a mint fresh brand campaign, “Rishta Aap Se Hai, Sirf App Se Nahi”. The campaign brings alive the Bank’s work ethic – Digital at the Fore, Human at the Core.
This captures many a day that customers experience in the bank.
The campaign is inspired by real-life events. The ad has been launched in seven languages – Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam to ensure reach across the country.
M V S Murthy, Chief Marketing Officer, Federal Bank said, “Businesses across the globe need the digital chutzpah, or customer experience as it is known. However, increasingly, efficiency in technology needs to be reinforced by go to people, whom you can reach out to at all points in time. The core idea of Rishta Aap Se Hai, Sirf App Se Nahi TM comes from our secret sauce which includes Commitment, Agility, Relationship orientation, Ethics and Sustainability. It is imperative that we need to be ‘Digital At The Fore, Human At The Core’. This campaign is representative of how we conduct ourselves as a team. We have unified our physical and digital spaces with this approach.”
The campaign will be rolled out across a variety of platforms, including television, digital, radio, outdoor and social media. Community events will bring the campaign closer to the branches.
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